Our Pizza Solutions – You’ll Want a Slice of This!

20 May 21

Who doesn’t love a pizza? At Middleby UK we sure do – and we also love being able to provide our customers with the best pizza ovens on the market!

With globally recognised brands such as Middleby Marshall, Bakers Pride, TurboChef, and more, we are confident that we have the perfect pizza solution for you.

Middleby Marshall

Known for their fantastic impingement conveyor ovens, Middleby Marshall bake both faster and at a lower temperature than other traditional pizza ovens. Their patented technology moves heat aerodynamically instead of using high temperatures.

Not only do we have traditional impingement ovens from Middleby Marshall, but we also supply our customers with their WOW! ovens – used and recognised by some of the biggest UK pizza chains.

Bakers Pride

As the UK’s sole supplier for Bakers Pride re-launch into the market, their countertop deck ovens are perfectly designed to use their Cordierite or Brick-Lined decks to bake fresh-dough pizza, pre-baked crust, and a range of other bakery products.


Now, it’s no secret that we love to talk about TurboChef‘s striking Fire pizza oven – who wouldn’t want a ventless, countertop oven that can cook a 14″ pizza in as little as 90 seconds, all while stealing the show with its bright red colour?! But did you know that TurboChef also make ventless conveyor ovens? Available in single or split belt to answer all your pizza needs.

Beech Ovens

Designed for commercial kitchens, the Beech Ovens wood fired pizza ovens are now used by many well-known restaurants around the world.

The beauty of the Beech Oven is that they can be made completely bespoke to suit and match your kitchen and restaurant aesthetics – and of course, your specification requirements!

We pride ourselves at Middleby UK on supplying our customers with high-quality, best-on-the-market solutions for their kitchens. If you want to learn more about our product offering, get in touch with our team of experts on sales@middlebyuk.co.uk today.